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This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Audio: Listen to this story. To hear more feature stories, download the Audm app for your iPhone. Which Web sites get the most traffic? According to the ranking service Alexa, the top three sites in the United States, as of this writing, are Google, YouTube, and Facebook. The only truly surprising entry, in fourth place, is Reddit, whose astronomical popularity seems at odds with the fact that many Americans have only vaguely heard of the site and have no real understanding of what it is.
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1950s Classic Hollywood Blonde Bombshells
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A fan of Marilyn Monroe since childhood has inspired Glory to seek out other blond actresses of the '50s and share the list here! Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and Marilyn Monroe was one of the most imitated actresses of her time. Welcome to "Classic s Hollywood Blonde Bombshells," a salute to some of the most beautiful blonde actresses of the s, most of whom found themselves being compared to Marilyn Monroe. It's not hard to understand why. Marilyn was a sensation, and each studio wanted its own version. Even 20th Century Fox, which had the real deal, searched for a replacement because the real Marilyn was so "temperamental. While imitation is flattery, it offered little competition in this case.
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It seems silly to say, but we will: A man watches cartoons. Not watched. He watches for nostalgia. Or to appease his kid.
But if there's one thing we've learned about years, it's that each one somehow manages to become more and more befuddling than the last. So as we continue to make sense and light of our hell world, here are a mere handful of the memes we've enjoyed throughout the year, a log we've painstakingly updated, as a nice respite from, you know, all the other stuff. Check out the best memes of here.
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